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Accelerated / Lab-Free Underwriting Programs

AIG/ Corebridge

Applications for ages 18-59 will start the AU+ process and default to the

tele-interview, regardless of rate class.

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SimpliNow Choice Platform
New Submission Platform on IGO

Easily access ALL underwriting submission paths in the same session, on our new iPipeline SimpliNow Choice platform.* You choose which underwriting (UW) path best meets your client's need:1.NEW client completion Part B (instant decision)  2. NEW agent completion Part B 

3. Tele-interview 4. Paramed



OPTerm 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40

Accelerated Underwriting

Ages 20-50 up to $2,000,000

Ages 51-60 up to $1,000,000

Lab Lift

For clients that are not initially approved through accelerated underwriting, they now have the option to use Lab Lift to substitute a paramedical exam with recent bloodwork and physician visit information obtained through electronic health records (EHR), if available, or an attending physician statement (APS).

*Criteria provided below


  • ​Physical within the last 18 months that includes complete blood work.

  • Ages 20-50 up to $4,000,000

  • Ages 51-60 up to $2,000,000

Cincinnati Life

-Ages: 18-50 (based on actual age)
-Face Amount: $100,000-$1,000,000
-Products: Term 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, 30-year
ROP Term 20-, 25-, 30-year
-Underwriting classifications: Standard NT or better (Includes non-smoking tobacco users; see guide for details)
Not available in California or New York.

-Ages: 18-60
-Face Amount: up to and including $3 Million
-Products: Term and Permanent
(including LTC Rider)
-Generally considered Standard or better


Not available in New York.



- Ages 18-60

- Face Amount: $2,500,000 or less

- Product: LifeElements Level Term

- Consideration for all preferred plus, all preferred and most standard rate classes


- Ages 18-60

- Face Amount: $100,000 - $1,000,000

- Product: TermAccel 10, 15, 20 or 30-year terms

Not available in New York. 


Fluidless Program

                      - Eligible for ages 17-50

  • All term and individual whole life insurance products, including High Early Cash Value (HECV).

    • MassMutual’s Survivorship Whole Life and CareChoice products are not eligible.

  • Available for face amounts up to and including $1 million.

  • All five standard or better classes are available:

    • Ultra-Preferred

    • Select Preferred

    • Standard Non-Tobacco

    • Select Preferred Tobacco

    • Standard Tobacco

  • Available riders include Life Insurance Supplement Rider (LISR), Additional Life Insurance Rider (ALIR), Guaranteed Insurability Rider (GIR), Renewable Term Rider (RTR), and Waiver of Premium Rider (WP).

    • The Long Term Care Access Rider (LTCR) is not eligible.

JOhn Hancock

Intelligent Underwriting

• Ages 18 and older
• Face amounts of $100,000 and above
• U.S. citizen or permanent resident (10-year green card status)
• Build within published Preferred limits

• Products: Guaranteed Level Term
(10, 15, 20, 30), No-Lapse Guarantee UL II, YourLife Indexed UL Accumulator or Protector, YourLife Current Assumption UL, YourLife WL 100, YourLife 20-pay WL

Not available in New York. 

Pacific Life

Pacific Accelerated Life+ (PAL+)

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Pac 4.png

Not available in New York. 


Accelerated Underwriting

-Ages 18-40: up to $3,000,000
           41-50: up to $2,500,000
           51-60: up to $2,500,000
           20-60: up to $5,000,000
-Products: Term, UL Provider Edge II, UL Flex III, IUL Flex II, IUL Accumulation II, UL Income IV, VUL III

*Please the below for additional requirement details.

Available in New York via paper application only. 




-Ages 18-45: $100,000-$2,000,000
(Select Preferred, Preferred, Standard, Non-Tobacco)
-Ages 45-60: $100,000-$1,000,000
(Select Preferred, Preferred)

Not available in New York. 



-Ages: 18 to 60
-Face Amounts: $100,000 to $5,000,000
-Products: Most Term and Permanent Products (excludes PruTerm One and Survivorship products)
-Nonsmoker or better

Not available in New York for replacement cases.


Accelerated Underwriting

-Ages: 18-60
-Face Amounts: $750,000 or less
-Products: SBLI Level Term, Whole Life
-All risk classes and table ratings apply

Not available in New York. 

Not available in New York. 




- Ages: 0–60
- WriteFit will be required for all eligible products with face amounts of $500,000 or less for ages 0–60.

**If proposed insured does not qualify for WriteFit, they will move to traditional underwriting. WriteFit will remain optional for all face amounts in New York, if eligible.
- Term minimum issue age will increase to age 18 (previously 16).


eApp Requirements â€‹

- eApp requirement on term policies with face amounts of $3M or less; permanent policies with face amounts of $500,000 or less

- eApp requirement on joint life policies with face amounts of $500,000 or less
- Increased minimum face amounts to:

  • $250,000 on term; this includes New York

  • $100,000 for all ages on indexed universal life (IUL) products; still $200,000 for survivorship products


eApp Requirement-

- Term: $250,000 to $3M
- Permanent: $100,000 to $500,000
- Joint Life: $200,000 to $500,000

WriteFit requirement – 

- Term: $250,000 to $500,000
- Permanent: $100,000 to $500,000
- Joint Life: WriteFit not available

WriteFit Optional

- Term: $500,001 – $3M (ages 18–50); $500,001 – $1M (ages 51–60)
- Permanent: $500,001 – $3M (ages 0–50); $500,001 – $1M (ages 51–60)
- Joint Life: WriteFit not available

Traditional Required

- Term: $3M+ (ages 18–50); $1M+ (ages 51–60); $250,000+ (ages 61 and over)
- Permanent: $3M+ (ages 0–50); $1M+ (ages 51–60); $100,000+ (ages 61 and over)
- Joint Life: Required


Accelerated Underwriting

Swift Term

Ages 20-60 up to $3,000,000

Products: Term Life Products

10,15, 20 or 30 years

Super Preferred, Preferred, Standard Non-Nicotine & Preferred, Standard Nicotine

*30 year term maximum issue age 50



Permanent Accelerated 

Ages 18-50: up to $3,000,000

Ages 51-60: up to $2,000,000, if they receive a Standard rate class or better.

Products: Permanent Life Products(Chronic Illness Plus rider is not available through this program)Standard through Super Preferred

Not available in New York. 

William Penn

OPTerm 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
Ages 20-40: $100,000 - $1 Million
Ages 41-45: $100,000 - $750,000
Ages 46-50: $100,000 - $500,000
OPTerm 10
Ages 20-50: $100,000 - $500,000

Lab Lift

-Ages: 20–60
-Comprehensive physical within the last 18 months that includes complete blood work
-Applicants can apply for up to $2 million in coverage (including any existing coverage with Banner Life that is not being replaced)

United of omaha

Accelerated Underwriting 

• Issue Ages: 18-60
• Face Amounts: $100,000 - $2,000,000
• Products Available: Term Life Answers (10-, 15-, 20- and 30- year), Income Advantage IUL and Life Protection Advantage IUL
• Applications: Speed eTicket (Drop Ticket)

Jump on the Express

The Express life insurance products offer simplified underwriting and application processes. Please see additional information below.

Face Amounts vary based on age

Products: Term Life Express, Indexed Universal Life Express, Guaranteed Universal Life Express, Living Promise Final Expense, Children's Whole Life, Guaranteed Advantage

Not available in New York. 

North American

Accelerated Underwriting 

• Issue Ages: 18-60 (plan age)
• Face Amounts:

$2,000,000 (ages18-50)


 $1,000,000 (ages 51-60)
• Products Available: Available for all currently marketed products
• Applications: Electronic - Drop Ticket

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